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Why Me?
Well that's up to you, but here's some details about me as a person, a coach, and what I've already done to help business owners and leaders like you, get unstuck and achieve their true potential...
Who Am I... Personally
I've always believed (right or wrong) that the only way to move forward in life is to step outside your comfort zone and embrace the brave. I've made it the focus of my career to support and guide others to their chosen path, by stretching their comfort zone to include so much more.
There's a passion in me that's moved me naturally towards supporting and guiding others to reach their potential. It brings a sense of overwhelming pride in others that can't be measured.
My motivation is infectious and when my clients get to that point of wanting to stop or give up, it's that same motivation and passion in their dream that I have, that keeps them going.
And As A Coach
So, how does that translate into coaching you to create and achieve goals that move you closer to your vision for your business?
It really is as easy as 1, 2, 3...
Offload: Tell me everything! What's keeping you up at night, what do you really see in your future when you dream big, and what's stopped you from already being there right now. Don't hold back, honesty is the best way forward.
Listen: I will listen, I mean really listen. Then I'll go away and put together a recommendation for you to agree, to help open your creative mind and make choices that bring you closer to that vision.
The Plan: I'll stay with you whilst you work through your plan, and I'll remind you regularly of your achievements along the way, your capabilities, and my belief that 'you've got this' and you can get what you want.
What I've already done
As well as the testimonials on this sight, here are just a few other areas I have helped clients with:
Working through differing pressures
Earn more from their business
Identify and bring in new clients
Get unstuck on the development of their business
Re-imagine their business
Challenge their own assumptions
Put together action plans
Boost self confidence
Reaching previously perceived unobtainable goals
Self and business prioritisation
Focusing time in the right areas
Becoming accountable
New found motivation and discipline
Learning to look inward for answers
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